Higher Education SIS

The Intention

UniversiTools is White Mountain Technology’s student information system for higher education. It is the result of meticulous analysis of what institutions need and what is out there in the market. We asked ourselves: What is a student information system? At its core, what should an SIS do? From there. We opted to design an SIS product that is: up to the point, neat, and effective. We did not want to make another one of those systems of which you will use only a part, and yet pay for the rest that you will never use. Moreover, we wanted to offer a complete SIS system whose license and operations fees are low, even lower than the yearly recurring service fee that you would pay for an oversized, excessively stuffed SIS system. In the end, we wanted our SIS to be different.


Going through UniversiTools SIS from beginning to end, you will find a rich array of processes and work flows. They cover college set up, faculty and student information management, department structures, course catalogs, admissions, student contract sheet, advising, registration, tuition fees, grading, degree audit, and graduation. Every process is a smooth and coherent chain of activities, supported by the relevant information, authorizations, notifications, and reports. Online portals for the admin, faculty, and students allow stakeholders to access screens pertaining to their work. Of course, UniversiTools’ Access Management module defines what each user can see and do in the SIS application.

Again, it is our intention to provide higher education institutions, colleges, and universities with an SIS software system that is lean and effective, and that stands away from over-stuffed, verbose software applications.

Feel free to contact us for more information or for a walk-through.