
Progress is every company’s goal. It mobilizes its resources to this end, always building upon solid foundation and pillars: work ethics, team qualifications, product quality, customer service, and all that goes with them. For sure, it is good to see that your endeavor paid back.

Paybacks come as achievements and rewards, and could exhibit themselves in some form of progression. At White Mountain Technologies, we recently experienced our own nice one. We called it the FDLC progression, and it proceeds something like this: 2-5-8-15-19-21. Schools.

Filles de la Charité, FDLC or the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, operates a sizable group of schools across Lebanon. Skoolee management information system was their choice. Initially, two of their major schools launched the process of implementing Skoolee. This work followed the normal project implementation milestones and timeline: fit/gap analysis, proof of concept, piloting, scope validation, change management, project acceptance, and go live. All of them were concluded successfully and punctually.

Then came the time to roll out in more schools. Filles de la Charité counts 19 schools that engaged us to implement Skoolee. Of course, and credit where credit’s due, the first two schools did a wonderful job in laying down the path for the rest. Once those initial two major schools went live, we forked out to all of the five schools of this subgroup. Then, three more schools joined in, and yet seven more, totaling 15 schools so far. All of them turned active and proceeded to implement Skoolee. Now, another four schools are warming up, thus concluding all of the 19 schools in the original contract.

Aware of this investment, its success, and its returns, numbers 20 and 21 joined the other 19 and decided to go ahead with Skoolee school management and student information system. Back in time, those last two schools had not signed up along with the 19. This later change of mind came as a pleasant surprise for us.

The progression of FDLC schools implementing Skoolee is highly indicative. We can say this: presenting your software system to be scrutinized, independently and intensively, by 21 quasi-separate, free-to-decide, and, in many instances divergent, school administrations, now that is a sure volley of scorching tests that you put your product through. But we’re cool. All of Filles de la Charité’s 21 schools adopted Skoolee.

N.B.: here, if we’re allowing ourselves some little refreshing air of achievement, well, this is because the work was quite intense back there :)