Online Exams

The Exams and Questions

Conducting online exams has become an inherent part of education. It is practical, for sure, yet now clearly indispensable. Skoolee’s Online Exam module is rich and easy to use, and gives the school what it needs to carry out real, effective, and safe examination processes. The module is conveniently flexible and scalable, allowing teachers to set various parameters for the exams as a whole and for the questions in specific, and to collaborate in building an all-inclusive examination question bank. A teacher may then select questions from the bank based on difficulty level, recurrence of the questions, question types, date posted, random selection of some questions, and more.

The Online Exam Module provides exam parameters for the teacher to set up, such as defining the number of questions in an exam, shuffling the questions, shuffling the answers, setting the duration of the whole exam or of every question, proceeding with the questions one-directionally or possibility moving through them back and forth (previous/next), setting the time for the exam to go online and live, auto-correcting the exam, posting results, and more. The Online Exam Module is also a helpful tutorial kit. Teachers may assign study guides and materials for the exam. Moreover, they can post mock-up exams that aid students in practicing and in assessing their knowledge; the grades are unofficial and not recorded

The Rewards

Carrying the exams online comes with many rewards. Once the school and teachers get over the relatively low barrier called “resistance to change” – where it’s mainly in the head – they can turn to capitalize on online exams, and online teaching in general. Online exams are virtual and scalable, where anyone can join the exam from anywhere and at any time. Think of eliminating the cost of in-person exams, incurred by all those requisites: rooms, amenities, electricity, paper, ink, and transportation. It is a budget and eco-friendly elimination, indeed. Moreover, by doing so, a conscientious school would have contributed to the reduction of pollution and carbon footprint, and preserved some precious natural resources.

As for the clockwork of the Online Exam module itself, it provides wide flexibility in building the set of questions and then in presenting it. Firstly, there is the question bank; a repository of collaborative and cumulative work enriched by time and experience. Secondly, there is the array of question types, such as multiple choice, true and false, fill in the blanks, matching, subjective, numerical, and short answer, which allows for precise and targeted assessments. As for essays and write-ups, students can upload them for the teacher to correct. Thirdly, you can enrich and enhance a question by assign a text, audio, or video file to it. Keep in mind that you can set the duration for the whole exam as well as for each question in specific. And, by the way, you can identify the students that are exempted from taking an exam.

The digital nature of these exams is valuable. Effectively, the hours that the teacher used to spend in correcting the students’ papers is now reduced to zero. You can set the exam to autocorrect and time it to send the results online for the students to see, as well to the grade book to reside there and be calculated with the averages. Come with this are the automatically generated reports, statistics, and analytics on the exams, from means, averages, and curves, to progress over time, identification of challenge, and monitoring key performance indicators. All of this is nicely and efficiently archived, with not the least of paper, files, or shelf space required fort that

The Challenges … Ironed Out

Indeed. As you have seen, we’ve ironed out the challenges and provided a comfy and effective examination environment. Think of it: practicality, flexibility, cost reduction, budget friendliness, tutoring, practicing, diversification, virtualization, and more. We even addressed cheating by shuffling the questions and possible answers, and by timing the exams and questions. We really thought of and addressed everything. That is, everything that is within our power. Internet disconnections and power shortages are not.