
Education is an ongoing endeavor, and the path of an educational institution is open and stretches far ahead. A right plan for the road gets you to the right places. Determination is not lacking, for sure

A Plan

As continuity is a sign of success, at White Mountain Technologies, we are determined to keep going. Throughout the next year, we want to further enrich our products and nurture our customers. The closing year has been challenging for all of us. The usual ways are being locked down and new ways, and technologies, have come to the forefront. Or not quite new, really. They have been around for some time, proving their value and spreading steadily and surely. The lockdown was the stimulus, bringing, in specific, the online technologies faster to attention.

Our plan for the coming year is two-fold: technology-wise and functionality-wise.

The Technology

Along this line, we will work to a broader extent on the following:

  1. Moving a wider scale of our products’ features and functions to the online platform.
  2. Opening our mobile applications to more capabilities, with specific attention to the audio, video, and conferencing technologies.
  3. Incorporating more APIs for wider integration and services.

The Functionality

We will work on updating many sections of our student information systems, incorporating as we do the demands of the online world. The work will mainly tackle:

  1. Communication: we want to make sure that instructors, students, and guardians can interact smoothly and productively.
  2. Scheduling: learning-at-a-distance and blended teaching have brought new constraints to the way courses are scheduled and timetables are set. It is imperative that our Schedulers modules assimilate all these requirements and generate the expected results.
  3. Online assessment: attendance, participation, and examination, including oral online exams, are all there online. We just want to check regularly that our software products do not miss new demands.
  4. Financials: our SIS facilitates paying fees online and checking balance sheets. We will be adding new gateways and services for paying online and monitoring the payments.
  5. Reporting: we will provide additional reports and analytics on the financial position of the institution regarding specific elements. A case on hand: the expenses for operating many facilities have seen considerable savings because of distance learning – buildings for one, and logistics for two. In return, can some of these savings reflect on the tuition or other fees?
  6. Mobile: new releases of our mobile apps will always be on our timeline, as we would like them to mirror the capabilities of their cloud and server counterparts.

In all this, it is our aim that our customers receive better products and services, and that we keep going, together, in these challenging yet stimulating times.