College Notre Dame de Louaize and White Mountain Technologies Share Expertise to Develop Skoolee

College Notre Dame de Louaize (CNDL) and White Mountain Technologies share a unique and advantageous partnership through the school’s full utilization of Skoolee, the school management and student information system for K-12 academic institutions. As College Notre Dame de Louaize constantly updates and renews their business rules, White Mountain customizes Skoolee to meet the school’s needs and develops new tools and add-ons to improve the software system. Presently, CNDL is using the library and payroll add-ons to maximize their efficiency. As a result of their synergy, WMT and CNDL teamed up to develop official Lebanese governmental reports which are able to be issued directly from Skoolee, a task that otherwise proves to be time-consuming. This kind of coordination between White Mountain and College Notre Dame de Louaize through Skoolee seamlessly blends the school’s modes of operations, thereby minimizing the demands of change management. Skoolee reduces the amount of manual operations and procedures to conduct daily tasks. WMT and CNDL have been in partnership since 2008. At CNDL, teachers manage their grade books, as well as student attendance and behavioral conduct through Skoolee. CNDL parents check in on their students’ progress and agendas, and can also view their tuition accounts with the school. The administration of the school is benefitting from the tools Skoolee provides for the principal, human resources, accounting, and IT security. White Mountain is currently working with College Notre Dame de Louaize to assist the school in implementing features for students on Skoolee. The team is also in the process of updating CNDL to Skoolee version 5, which includes an enhanced interface, database, and functions.