
The duality of Certainty and Uncertainty

These days, things are moving along an indeterminate path. The world is enduring a Corona pandemic that spreads, then contracts, then spreads again. More than that, there are news that the world should prepare for a mutation of the virus. Uncertainty is a word in the spot lights, and many institutions, corporations, and governments are moving in faltering steps. It is uplifting that, in the face of such an uncertainty, a certainty stands firm: the determination to secure uninterrupted education.

Educational institutions are exhibiting the strong and much-needed will to keep moving, looking for the necessary new ways and tools to help them do so. Since these are times of distancing and lock downs, things have to shift online, from delivering courses to managing the school. In comes Skoolee to do its part in this changing world.

… in this world …

The school’s online world is basically two-fold: online education and online management. The first part deals with teachers and students holding their classes online through live teaching and discussions. The other part deals with the directors, principals, teachers, students, parents, and guardians; all of those stakeholders working together on a shared platform towards executing and managing the school’s teaching processes, activities, and requirements. And this is where Skoolee is present.

In a nut shell, Skoolee lets the stakeholders execute tasks over the Internet. Through Skoolee, parents can check their children’s performance, and they can pay the fees online. Teachers can post assignments, solutions, grades, attendance, and other things. Students can view school posts and notifications, and see their performance results. Directors can access various reports and monitor key performance indicators.

It is quite clear now that the schools cannot afford to ignore online education or online management anymore. It is an established fact that the school’s online world is here to stay. Down the course of history, strong social upheavals have brought in permanent changes that persisted once their causes receded. COVID-19 is one of those upheavals, bringing with it the online life to schools, companies, governments, and almost all of the other domains of the human world. Look and you will find many positive things in this online existence. Can you name some?